The West Region was the first region to participate in the 2016 ERG Leadership Academy in Dallas, TX on February 25th and 26th. About 40 regional West region officers were invited to attend the two day intensive leadership training at AT&T University. Topics covered at the academy include how ERGs can add value to AT&T's mission, understanding Meyers-Briggs personality preference, overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a team, how to write engaging communications, and workshop exercises within each ERGs and across ERGs to share knowledge and experiences. The ERG Leadership Academy also enabled ERG officers to meet Diversity & Inclusion leaders face to face. Cynt Marshall (SVP HR & Chief Diversity Officer) also made a very welcome surprise guest appearance. The ERG Leadership Academy was truly inspiring - arming ERG leaders with additional insights, tools and ideas to foster better engagement opportunities for their members.

2016 West Region ERG Leadership Academy Class Photo

APCA West Region Officers having fun at ERG Leadership Academy in Dallas, TX. Brandon Duong (Washington President), Julia Francis (Mountain State Secretary), Heidi Nguyen (NorCal VP), Brian Ramos (SoCal VP), Kelli Choong (NorCal VP), Dale Sano (Hawaii Treasurer), Ky Diep (SoCal VP), also John Liu (Washington VP, pictured in next picture below)
ERG Leadership Academy held at the Whitacre Tower (AT&T Headquarters) in Dallas, TX. Julia Francis (Mountain State Secretary) & John Liu (Washington Vice President)

Keshia Robinson (AT&T Diversity & Inclusion) and Brandon Duong (APCA WA President)

View of Dallas landmark - the Magnolia Hotel Pegasus Sign - from the 37th floor of AT&T's Whitacre Tower

APCA Officers pictured with "Golden Boy" statue representing the Spirit of Communication

Fives years leading the APCA National Scholarship Program APCA National Scholarship Chief Administrator Sudha Gopal & Vice Chair Brandon Duong

Eileen Chaffen (Over 50 Washington Chapter Vice President) and APCA member motivates ERG Leadership Academy class

APCA West Region Officers at ERG Leadership Academy in Dallas, TX. Brandon Duong (Washington President), Julia Francis (Mountain State Secretary), Heidi Nguyen (NorCal VP), Brian Ramos (SoCal VP), Kelli Choong (NorCal VP), Dale Sano (Hawaii Treasurer), Ky Diep (SoCal VP)