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2012 APCA Award Recognitions

2012 APCA Award Recognitions

December 21, 2012

Please join us in congratulating Gina Li and Sophia Xiao who were honored in our December holiday and recognition luncheon! On an annual basis, an APCA officer is recognized for his or her leadership in developing our non-profit organization and an APCA member is recognized for his or her contributions as a participating member.

Sophia Xiao was recognized with the 2012 APCA Leadership Excellence Award in recognition of her leadership, volunteerism and contributions as our Event Officer and member of the Executive Board of APCA Washington State. As our Event Officer, Sophia did an amazing job in her first APCA engagement in leading the Breast Cancer Awareness & Fundraising event with our Marketing Officer. As an APCA scholarship volunteer, Sophia played a key role in socializing the APCA scholarship to our state. In support of our chapter’s emphasis on Health & Fitness this year, Sophia did a wonderful job leading the Power Walk @ Lunch program. Being honored with our chapter’s Leadership Excellence Award is a testament to Sophia’s dedication to APCA.

Gina Li was recognized with the 2012 APCA Outstanding Member Award in recognition of her active participation, volunteerism and contributions to APCA. Gina made a positive contribution to our community by engaging CIE, AT&T’s Developers Program and APCA in making the AT&T Hackathon education event for high school students such a success. Gina is also a member of our chapter’s Dragon Boat team and competed in the Seattle Dragon Boat Festival. She’s been an active participate in many of our APCA’s events including the Power Walk @ Lunch and the many potlucks that were hosted. Gina has been such an “outstanding” member in so many ways.

Both honorees are wonderful examples of APCA members making a difference in our workplace and our community. Please join us in congratulating Gina and Sophia as recipients of our chapter’s APCA awards.

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