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APCA Celebrates Our Diversity on tSpace through Great Design

Our motto "Celebrate Our Diversity" can now become "Celebrate Our Victory". We are proud to announce that our APCA tSpace Community is now the official 2012 Winner of Best Use of Design as voted by AT&T employees from across the country in the tSpace Collaborator Award Program as showcased on the AT&T Insider. This is an amazing accomplishment for us as last year our tSpace presence was at its infancy. Through creative design and implementation, we were able to construct a virtual community presence that everyone can be proud of. For two weeks, all three of our APCA tSpace nominations trended extremely well at the national level showcasing many of our APCA programs, activities and accomplishments reflective of all of our sister APCA chapters. Our tSpace Community was nominated in three award categories. We placed first in the Best use of Design award category. We placed second in Best Community Blog and Best Team Community. The listing below shows the current vote count as of today for the top ranked nominations.

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